Thursday, February 10, 2011

Whoa there

Hey my (slim amount of) followers!  I am really truly sorry about my absence!!  Unfortunately, my student teaching put a little damper on my time to blog, or even attempt wedding related fun!  For those of you who aren't in the know, I live in Northern Virginia, way too close to DC for my taste, but I make do.  We got some snow fall recently, nothing at all like my homestate of NC, but enough to close the local elementary schools here and there.  I know what you are thinking.  If the elementary school I intern at is closed for a day, then shouldn't that give me more free time?  Absolutely not!  What it meant was that I could actually catch up on myself.  I could actually take a second to breathe, and not feel overwhelmed by papers and lesson plans and observation forms and biweekly reports and hour logs, etc. etc. etc. 

And then the fun started...the lovely snow pushed my nice little collection of lesson plans for independent teaching not just one day behind, but one full week behind. ACK!  In just a very tiny amount of time, I had to generate a new week of lesson plans, get them approved by my clinical faculty, my site facilitator, and my university facilitator, and feel confident in my abilities.  Not to toot my own horn, but I do believe that I created some pretty fun lesson plans in the shortest amount of time I have ever created them. 

On top of all of this mamma hurt her  back so badly that she ended up having to get cortisone shots repeatedly and put on bedrest for a week.  She was in a car accident when I was really small that caused her to have major spine issues/slipped discs.  This means that she has had quite a few significant injuries over the years.  So, I haven't actually sent out my save-the-dates yet!  We have had some list drama that we need to work out that I didn't want to dump on my mamma when she was a hurtin'.  Now that she's better--all bets are off this weekend and I'm putting up my fighting hands :)  Or at least successful blocking-over-the-phone-no-drama hands.

Now things are very settled.  I actually have free time during my day as a student teacher and I have been able to really commit myself to get inspired.  And, I have set "facebook limitations" for myself.  I am a pretty committed little person, and glued to my laptop at night because I have to be so non-connected to a computer during the day.  I do get my technology fix courtesy of that nifty Promethean Board though!  My one and only guilty pleasure is Facebook!  I play the games, I stalk my friends, I sift through photos, I post all over the place...and it is a time hog.  So, I have forced myself to only have one hour of facebook time on Friday/Saturday/Sunday and only 30 minutes/day the rest of the week!  I just started this, so let's see if I can stick to it :) 

Now that I've updated you, I am going to write an actual "wedding related" post!

How many of you have a facebook addiction?

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